IASI Law & Regulation
The IASI L&R Committee tracks existing and proposed state/federal legislation and regulation in the U.S. pertaining to structural integration and assess the regulated status of practitioners in other countries as needed. The L&R Committee also provides information and advice to members about the impact of law and regulation on their practice, recommends policy and/or position statements to the IASI board, and assists with implementation as requested.
The IASI Law and Regulation Committee is continuously working to support SI practitioners as law and regulatory issues arise and strives to increase awareness that SI is a distinct profession. We do this best with the help of individual practitioners who are willing to get involved in their own states. We can make the most impact and the biggest changes by showing up at board meetings, becoming a familiar face, making contacts, and asking to join in the discussion. Building local relationships with regulators will be a huge asset, if and when regulatory or legislative change is the best solution.